Saturday, October 30, 2010

Justin Bieber!

Justin Bieber... That name should ring a bell in this day and age for anyone; President to prostitute and me to your Grandma. Even if you have no idea who he is, you likely heard his name somewhere.
Its been quite a while since I last posted, huh? Well, I've been busy, what with college and all and I've been a lazy SOB too. Ah well, who exactly is waiting for the next post? But, the show must go on, dammit!

Anyways, Justin Bieber; judging by my age and gender, you'll probably assume I'm not a fan of his, therefore, I hate him, correct? WAIT! Before you stop reading, assuming I'm just another angsty Bieber-hater, hear me out; I don't hate him. *duh duh DUUUUUH!* As in, don't get me wrong, I can't stand his music; I find it dull, annoying and sometimes repetitive. But is that any reason to hate the person? No, not really. He could be the nicest guy in the world, for all I know. To me, he's just a guy doing what he loves and getting paid for it.

In this era of Twilight, Jonas Brothers and Bieber, the crowd that makes them popular outnumbers the rest of us greatly. My best guess is that people feel threatened by the numbers and feel the need to fight back against the odds. What's the best way to take away the enemy's morale? Kill their god (or write mean things about them on the internet), of course!

Purge the Bieber!

Therefore, you have people making fun of Bieber for his obscenely high voice and his inability to hit puberty!

My point being is that people will hate what's popular, for good reasons or not. Why? Because they don't want to be sheep, and that's great! I, for instanced, hated Hilary Duff. Why? Well, I just did. I ran into a crowd of people who did and I wanted to be "cool" like them, so I did. I didn't know why I hated her, I just did. In a way, I was still being a sheep; just one of a different color. When you hate things just BECAUSE they're popular or actually have an unreasonable hatred for someone, then that's when you become that type of sheep.
And not one as badass as the one above.

What I'm saying is that you should only hate Bieber's music. Don't hate him unless he did something really shitty (he may or may not have, I just have my head up my ass when it comes to pop culture). You're not impressing or shocking anyone by saying "Justin Bieber sounds like a little girl on helium!" And for the mindless fans; remember to respect differing opinions and don't be too much of a sheep.

This little rant was buzzing around in my head for two reasons...

1. I'm so damn sick of Justin Bieber jokes! And again, I'm not offended, but I'm just tired of hearing them from people who think they're being witty. They were funny the first time, but they're getting old and fast! Can't you think of something new?
They seemed to have taken to the place of Michael Jackson (rest his soul) jokes. Every two-bit chump has made, like, 20 of them (usually involving his voice), 'cause they're just too damn easy. Listen, you're not being witty and you don't sound educated. You're just making jokes about the new international punchline.

2. Really, what's the point? I know I said earlier that his music was annoying, but I'm not the target audience. I mean, it's like if I started hating teddy bears because I don't enjoy playing with them. It would be creepy if I DID! Therefore, I shan't complain of something not even aimed at me.

3. I once heard this rant coming from a person who was also not a fan of Justin Bieber, the Jonas Brothers or Miley Cyrus, comparing people who go on endless tears about them to 3rd graders bragging about how they're going to kill Barney because they believe it makes them sound grown-up. What are the odds? I was one of those in 2nd grade!

Come to think of it... Justin Bieber and Barney the Dinosaur aren't too different, are they? Both are popular, have annoying voices, sing horrible songs, but they're both kinda harmless.

How can you hate that face? Huh?! How can you?! I LOVE YOU, BARNEY! *cough* I mean, fuck the system! RAWR!

Anyways, my final point is that sheepishness swings both ways. I chose Bieber as the topic because he's one of the most popular and I've heard countless people squeeing about his hottness and others calling for his crucifixion. Remember; don't hate people without a good reason, don't go to the extremes of either side and don't be a sheep of ANY kind. Have a nice day!

And Justin Bieber, if you happen to be reading this, I've got three things to say to you...
1. Are you that bored? Out of all the posts and comments about you, how did you come across here? Do you google your name constantly?
2. I was kinda kidding with the insults. I don't enjoy your music, but hey, I'm not the target audience.
3. Seriously, how bored you?

P.S. Also, don't make fun of people for the way they look (Robert Pattinson is ugly! Justin Bieber is girly!); when you do that, you're being just as fucking shallow everyone else.

But would it kill him to use a little shampoo?